Many companies that take a job promotion or increase salary for you will refer to how many gold content your authentication certificates have. IBM C2020-702 is a high gold content certification exam. IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training material can meet many IT employees' needs. Passtcert can provide you with IBM Certified Developer certification C2020-702 exam targeted training. You can free download Passtcert trial version of IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training material as a try.
Share some IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 exam questions and answers below.
The logging parameter within \}CubeProperties is designated by a "Yes" or "No" for each cube.
What does this define?
A. Data changes to the TM1 cubes logged into the tm1s.log file
B. cubepropertiesdataloggedintothetm1server.log
C. dimensionupdatesloggedintothetm1audit.log
D. userpermissionsloggedtothetm1server.log
Answer: A
Which three are typically stored within a TM1 control object.? (Choose three.)
A. A list of TM1 users
B. TM1 system errors
C. Data required by the TM1 server to perform a driver-based calculation
D. TM1 object-level security permissions
E. Statistical performance data about the TM1 server
Answer: A,D,E
What are the elements of a rule?
A. Area Definition, Qualifier, Formula, Terminator, and Sequence Indicator
B. Area Definition, Qualifier, Formula, and Priority Flag
C. Area Definition, Qualifier, Formula, and Terminator
D. Area Definition, Formula, Terminator, and Priority Flag
Answer: C
The customer is experiencing performance issues with threads blocking as shown in the TM1 Operations Console.
Which setting within the tmls.cfg file improves writer response time by removing lock contention resulting from concurrent cube data access?
A. AllowSeparateNandCRules=T
B. Parallellnteraction=T
C. UseStargateForRules=T
D. PersistentFeeders=T
Answer: B
An international enterprise has planners in European, Asian, and North American regions. The enterprise wants to have planners in each region enter cube data into the local regional TM1 server but report globally on a daily basis from a single enterprise-reporting server located in Canada. The enterprise wants to integrate the cube data from the different regions into a single reporting server in Canada.
Which method accomplishes this goal?
A. Use the TM1 rules to push data from each regional server into the Canadian reporting server.
B. Use the TM1 rules to pull data from each regional server into the Canadian reporting server.
C. UsetheTM1 replication/synchronization in the Canadian server to pull data from the regional servers.
D. Use the TM1 replication/synchronization in the regional servers to push data to the Canadian server.
Answer: C
You want to improve one TM1 cube by adding Skipcheck and Feeder statements to a Rules file. Which statement is correct?
A. The addition of rule-calculated cells to a cube will cause reduced consumption of RAM.
B. The data integrity of consolidated cells will improve.
C. The performance of views containing rule-calculated cells will improve.
D. Cross cube rule statements will be no longer be ignored.
Answer: C
We are committed to using Passtcert IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training material, we can ensure that you pass the exam on your first attempt. If you are ready to take the exam, and then use our Passtcert IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training material, we guarantee that you can pass it. If you do not pass the exam, we can give you a refund of the full cost of the materials purchased, or free to send you another product of same value.
Your choose of our Passtcert is equal to choose success.Passtcert senior team of experts has developed training materials for IBM C2020-702 exam.Through Passtcert training and learning passing IBM certification C2020-702 exam will be very simple. Passtcert IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training materials can 100% guarantee you pass your first time to participate in the IBM certification C2020-702 exam successfully. And you will find that our IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training materials will appear in your actual exam.
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Share some IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 exam questions and answers below.
The logging parameter within \}CubeProperties is designated by a "Yes" or "No" for each cube.
What does this define?
A. Data changes to the TM1 cubes logged into the tm1s.log file
B. cubepropertiesdataloggedintothetm1server.log
C. dimensionupdatesloggedintothetm1audit.log
D. userpermissionsloggedtothetm1server.log
Answer: A
Which three are typically stored within a TM1 control object.? (Choose three.)
A. A list of TM1 users
B. TM1 system errors
C. Data required by the TM1 server to perform a driver-based calculation
D. TM1 object-level security permissions
E. Statistical performance data about the TM1 server
Answer: A,D,E
What are the elements of a rule?
A. Area Definition, Qualifier, Formula, Terminator, and Sequence Indicator
B. Area Definition, Qualifier, Formula, and Priority Flag
C. Area Definition, Qualifier, Formula, and Terminator
D. Area Definition, Formula, Terminator, and Priority Flag
Answer: C
The customer is experiencing performance issues with threads blocking as shown in the TM1 Operations Console.
Which setting within the tmls.cfg file improves writer response time by removing lock contention resulting from concurrent cube data access?
A. AllowSeparateNandCRules=T
B. Parallellnteraction=T
C. UseStargateForRules=T
D. PersistentFeeders=T
Answer: B
An international enterprise has planners in European, Asian, and North American regions. The enterprise wants to have planners in each region enter cube data into the local regional TM1 server but report globally on a daily basis from a single enterprise-reporting server located in Canada. The enterprise wants to integrate the cube data from the different regions into a single reporting server in Canada.
Which method accomplishes this goal?
A. Use the TM1 rules to push data from each regional server into the Canadian reporting server.
B. Use the TM1 rules to pull data from each regional server into the Canadian reporting server.
C. UsetheTM1 replication/synchronization in the Canadian server to pull data from the regional servers.
D. Use the TM1 replication/synchronization in the regional servers to push data to the Canadian server.
Answer: C
You want to improve one TM1 cube by adding Skipcheck and Feeder statements to a Rules file. Which statement is correct?
A. The addition of rule-calculated cells to a cube will cause reduced consumption of RAM.
B. The data integrity of consolidated cells will improve.
C. The performance of views containing rule-calculated cells will improve.
D. Cross cube rule statements will be no longer be ignored.
Answer: C
We are committed to using Passtcert IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training material, we can ensure that you pass the exam on your first attempt. If you are ready to take the exam, and then use our Passtcert IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training material, we guarantee that you can pass it. If you do not pass the exam, we can give you a refund of the full cost of the materials purchased, or free to send you another product of same value.
Your choose of our Passtcert is equal to choose success.Passtcert senior team of experts has developed training materials for IBM C2020-702 exam.Through Passtcert training and learning passing IBM certification C2020-702 exam will be very simple. Passtcert IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training materials can 100% guarantee you pass your first time to participate in the IBM certification C2020-702 exam successfully. And you will find that our IBM Certified Developer C2020-702 training materials will appear in your actual exam.
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